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Coxswain John Catchpole of Lowestoft

Coxswain John Catchpole of Lowestoft joined the crew in 1973 and was second coxswain from 1978 until his appointment as coxswain in 1984.

A framed letter of thanks signed by the Chairman of the Institution was awarded to John in 1981 in recognition of his commendable actions when the lifeboat landed the crew of five from the Panamanian coaster Avenir in a strong north easterly breeze and very rough seas.

In 1989 he was awarded a Bronze medal in recognition of the courage and seamanship he displayed when, on 19 October 1988, the lifeboat rescued the crew of five of the coaster Medina D which had run aground and was sinking in the Corton Channel in a strong east-south-easterly gale and heavy breaking seas. He was also awarded the 1988 Maud Smith Award for this service.

In the same year John received a further Chairman's letter of thanks in recognition of his skill and seamanship when the crew of two from the trimaran Vidam were rescued and the craft saved in a north easterly Force 7 wind and very rough seas at Holm Sands.

John is married with a son and daughter and works in Lowestoft's fish market..

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