Today's Lifeboatmen
Facts and figures Provisional statistics as at 16 November 1989, show that during 1989: The RNLI's lifeboats were launched 3,695 times (an average of more than 12 launches a day) More than 1,257 lives were saved (an average of 4 people rescued each day) More than 31 per cent of all services carried out by lifeboats were in winds of Force 5 and above More than 56 per cent of all services were to pleasure craft There are 263 lifeboats on station, with a further 76 in the relief fleet 119,165 lives have been saved since the RNLI was founded in 1824 Costs The cost of running the RNLI in 1988 was £34m. The approximate current cost of building a lifeboat is: 16ft D class inflatable - £9,500 21ft Atlantic rigid inflatable - £45,000 38ft 6in Mersey-£455,000 47ft Tyne - £590,000 52ft Arun- £600,000.