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Membership News

Governors ... Shoreline... Storm Force.. Apologies! You may have been one of several members who experienced strange happenings which coincided with the delivery of your Autumn journal, and unreserved apologies are due to all concerned.

At the centre of it all was our computer software conversion programme, which has not gone according to plan.

Despite all our attempts to keep things running smoothly some titles, names and addresses became corrupt on transfer, and the associated problems also led to distribution delays. Re-member Campaign 1989 At the time of writing the campaign has another six or seven weeks to run but it has to be said that the cost of a Mersey is way beyond our reach and alternatives are now being considered which will equally identify the support of members during the past year.

We will be reporting more fully on our recruitment campaign in the Spring journal, but to all who recruited a new member a very big "thank you'. STORM FORCE CORNER Prize support Storm Force received a generous boost earlier this year, thanks to the interest and support of an adult RNLI member who read about Storm Force in these pages.

The anonymous benefactor wrote to say that, not only did he think it was an excellent idea to encourage young people in the work of the RNLI, but that he wanted to contribute in some way.

As a result he decided to covenant £80 a year to fund the prizes for competitions in Storm Force News.

Since Storm Force is non profit making the gift is a very practical means of helping, and members respond enthusiastically to the drawing, painting or quiz-type competitions. Stormy visit! When the Princess Royal visited the RNLI depot and headquarters in November (see RNLI News, this issue) she was also visiting Storm Force Headquarters. Two years ago her son, Peter Phillips, then nine years old, accompanied the Princess Royal when she visited Lymington and went out on the station's Atlantic 21 lifeboat.

Later, the Princess graciously gave permission for Peter to be made Leading Hand of Storm Force (a naval term meaning Leading Seaman). He was given his own bump cap to mark the occasion.

Peter now heads 8,523 members and we hope he looks forward to receiving his copy of Storm Force News each quarter.

Storm Force costs £3 a year for individual members, £1 each for groups of ten or more. If you would like further details please contact Storm Force HQ, RNLI, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset BH15 1 HZ. If you are not a member why not join now?.