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Membership News

Active Membership The growth of our active membership continues to be encouraging, and at 13 September 1989 consisted of 149,076 adults, (24,743 Governors and 124,333 Shoreline) with Storm Force reaching 9,592 individuals and 144 groups.

The recruitment of new members is now being spearheaded by our new membership leaflet, which has been successfully used in the Republic of Ireland since March 1989 and was launched in the United Kingdom on 1 September 1989.

The leaflet explains the role of the Institution and informs potential members of the practical effects of their support through the scheme, with particular emphasis on payment by direct debit and covenanted subscriptions. Both will help to reduce our administrative costs, while a deed of covenant will increase the value to the Institution at no extra cost to the member.

Existing members will also be given the opportunity to help in this way with our campaign in the New Year which will accompany your renewal advice in 1990.Re-member Campaign 1989 Our thanks to those members who responded to our appeal in the Summer journal to boost the campaign, both through the recruitment of new members and with increased subscriptions or donations. We still have a long way to go and as this is the last time the coupons will appear in the journal perhaps our slogan should now be 'A new member for Christmas'! I enclose a cheque for £ of which £ is an increased subscription/donation (please delete as applicable) for the Re-member Campaign 1989.

Name: Membership Number: Suggested Lifeboat name: R5A/89Just one new member each That's all it would take to pay for a new Mersey class lifeboat Make 1989 a year to 're-member', get a friend to fill in this form To: The Director, RNLI, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset BH1S 1HZ . I wish to join the RNLI, and enclose my subscription: I Shoreline Institution Member - £6 pa S | Joint Member (husband and wife) - £9 pa . Governor - £20 pa | Life Governor - £200 or more | Name Address I Postcode R5/89 5/89 II enclose a cheque for £ of which £ is an increased subscription/donation (please delete as applicable) for the Re-member Campaign 1989.

Name: Membership Number: Suggested Lifeboat name: R5A/89 STORM FORCE CORNER Storm Force members have been meeting lifeboat crews, looking at lifeboats, donning lifeboat gear, seeing other emergency services in action and joining in treasure hunts at rallies organised specially for them during the summer.

We know from all the appreciative letters received afterwards how much the RNLI's junior club members enjoyed themselves at the rallies and will try to organise more next year.

Through the pages of Storm Force News, sent out every April, June, September and December, the young members keep up-to-date with new lifeboats, learn of the history and tradition behind the RNLI and enjoy their own letters and jokes pages, cartoons and competitions.

The first Storm Force 'Road Show' was held at Weymouth, Dorset on Sunday 20 August, when staff from the Storm Force office at the RNLF s Poole HQ manned a caravan on the seafront to attract new members. Dressed in lifeboatmen's clothing past and present (despite the heat!) the team attracted a number of new members and plenty of publicity for Storm Force in local newspapers. As a special attraction there was a competition for people joining on the day, linked to Weymouth's Arun class lifeboat Tony Vandervell. Paul Lucas from Bognor Regis made the best estimate of how many times the lifeboat would have been launched this year up to the end of the 'Road Show' and won a camera. It is possible that the 'Road Show' will make more appearances around the country next year - but there is no need for your friends to wait until it visits you, they can write to Storm Force headquarters at the address given in the Storm Force this issue of THE LIFEBOAT. and Joln now!.