FRIZZELL PERSONAL LOANS Tear here I Ab About Yourself •In the case of joint house ownership please complete and sign the application jointly.
Full name(s) Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms About Your Loan Amount required S Date of Birth .
Full name(s)' Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms _ Date of Birth* If joint application, borrower to be covered for life cover only or PPI: Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms Status: Married/Single/Widowed/Divorced/Separated (please delete as applicable).
Ages of dependent children Private address . Postcode.
Since when at this address _ . Home Tel. No. S.T.D. code (_ Status: Sole Owner/Joint Owner'/Tenant/Lodging/Laving with parents (delete as applicable) If mortgaged, amount outstanding £ Purchase price £ Date purchased — Previous address (if less than 3 years at above) Purpose of loan and total cash price If you do not require Payment Protection Insurance (PPI) please tick the box Your Monthly Income/Outgoings Salary (after deductions) Partner's salary (after deductions) Other income TOTAL per month Mortgage/Rent Rates/Poll tax Credit cards Other credit and regular payments TOTAL per month S _ Your Bank fThis information is shown in your cheque book.
Name and Address.
. Sorting Co Postcode _ Job Title - . How long at this address _ . Occupation Employer, department and address at work _ How long with present employer _ Job Title' . Business Tel. No..
. Occupation* Account No.t How long have you been a customer of the bank ? I/We warrant that the information given above is true and correct and shall form the basis of any contract between us.
I/We authorise you to make any enquiries as necessary but understand you will make no contact whatsoever with my/our employees).
I/We understand that you may decline this application without disclosing your reasons.
Signature Date Employer, department and address at work* _ Signature* _ Date* _ Please return to: Frizzell Banking Services Limited, FREEPOST, Heron House, 8 Christchurch Road, Bournemouth BH13TS. (No stamp required.) I How long with present employer* Business Tel. No.* » ...for a loan without tears Tear out the form above, and the loan you want could be in your hands in no time at all. There's no fuss. And because FrizzelTs interest rates are extremely competitive, it's a bargain that's hard to beat.
What's more, you have the reassurance of dealing with a responsible and long-established company. We have no wish to encourage anyone to overstretch themselves financially. It's not in your interest or ours.
You can borrow up to £7,500 if you're a homeowner, or up to £5,000 if you live in rented accommodation. No security is required on your property in either case, but you must be aged 18 or over.
Plus, for those under 65 there's optional 'Payment Protection Insurance' (PPI) - for a small extra monthly payment you can obtain sickness, accident and life cover on your loan.
Cover is provided automatically, unless you indicate otherwise on your application, in which case life cover only up to the age of 65 will be provided. In either case, joint applicants choose who is to be covered.
Take a took at the table below to help you decide how much you need, of course you can borrow other amounts than those shown, but we'd need a huge table to show them all! Then return the completed form to us. You're under no obligation.
If you're really in a hurry, give us a ring. Simply telephone (0202) 293971 and ask for the RNLI Members' Enquiry Desk.
You'll find we're friendly as well as efficient, and we'll treat your enquiry in complete confidence.
So apply to Frizzell with no fears.. .and enjoy a loan without tears.
PAYMENTS TABLE LOAN AMOUNT S 500 1000 3000 5000 7500 Interest Rates 12 months Monthly Payment with m S 47.49 94.98 284.93 474.89 712.33 without PPI S 46.25 92.50 277.50 462.50 693.75 Total Payable with m s 569.88 1139.76 8419.W 5698.68 8647.96 without PPI S 555.00 1110.00 3330.00 5550.00 8325.00 11% flatp.a.
(APR 21. 6%) 36 months Monthly Payment with m & 19.34 38.69 mm 183.47 280.20 without PPI S 18.47 36.94 110.83 184.72 277.08 Total Payable with m & 696.24 1392.84 4178.88 6964.92 10447,20 without PPI £ 664.92 1329.84 3989.88 6649.92 9974.88 ll%flatp.a.
(APR 21. 4%) 60 months Monthly Payment with PPI £ 14.02 28.04 84.12 140.19 210.29 without PPI S 13.13 26.25 78.75 131.25 196.88 Total Payable with PPI & 841.20 1682.40 5047.20 8411.40 12617.40 without PPI S 787.80 1575.00 4725.00 7875.00 11812.80 11.5% flatp.a.
(APR 21. 4%) Typical loan S3,500 payable over 24 months. With insurance (PPI) monthly payment £184.33. Total amount payable £4423.92.
FRIZZELL Frizzell Banking Services Limited is an authorised institution under the Banking Act 1987, and a subsidiary of The Frizzell Group Limited.