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100 years ago From the pages of THE LIFEBOAT, May 1889 issue THE LIFE-BOAT HOUSE The boats of the NATIONAL LIFEBOAT INSTITUTION, and all belonging to them, are kept in roomy boat-houses, under lock and key, in charge of paid coxswains, under the general superintendence of local honorary committees of residents in the several localities.

Each boat has its appointed coxswain at a salary of 8f., and an assistant at 21 a year, with further allowances under special circumstances.

The crew consists, in addition, of a bowman and as many boatmen as the boat pulls oars. The members of the volunteer crew are registered, and wherever practicable, at least double the number of men required are entered on the register. Such men are mostly resident boatmen, fishermen or Coastguardmen.

On every occasion of going afloat to save life the coxswain and each of the crew receive alike from the funds of the Institution (whether successful or not) 10s., if by day, and U, if by night.

A reward of 7s. is given to the man who first brings intelligence of a wreck at such a distance along the coast as not to be in sight of the Coastguard station or other look-out.

A flag hoisted by day, and the firing of a carronade (or other alarm signal) by night are the well-known signals for calling the crew together.

On boarding wrecks, the preservation of life is the sole consideration. Should any goods or merchandise be brought into the Life-boat, contrary to the coxswain's remonstrance, he is authorised to throw them overboard.

The average cost of a Life-boat Station is 1,0501., and is made up as follows:- Life-boat and her equipment, including Life-belts for the Crew, Skids and transporting carriage £700 Boat-house £350 Total £1,050 The average annual expense of maintaining a Lifeboat Station is 70L Many of these £350 Victorian boathouses remain in service today, housing not pulling lifeboats but the latest Tynes and Merseys.

At the 1989 Annual General Meeting, (report page 117), the Chairman of the RNLI announced plans for a major modernisation and refurbishment programme..