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Membership News

Active Membership The encouraging start to our 21 st year has continued with 10,315 new adult members recruited in the first five months of 1989, whilst the response to our appeal in the Spring journal for junior membership has been overwhelming, with 993 new members, bringing the total since 31 December 1988 to 2,290.

After taking account of lapsed members the total active membership at 28 May 1989 was 142,116 adults (23,586 Governors and 118,530 Shoreline), and in Storm Force 8,299 Individuals and 127 Groups.

Re-member Campaign 1989 The appeal to members to recruit one other person during 1989 is not going too well, and with less than six months of the campaign left we really do need a concerted effort if a new Mersey class lifeboat is to be funded by the membership.

Of course, we can only recognise recruitment from this campaign if the special coupon below, or enclosed with your renewal letter, is used, and incidentally the latter is showing the best success rate.

If you do not have a special coupon mention 'Re-member Campaign 1989' when you write, and please do not forget to suggest a name! There is no clear favourite from those suggested so far, but among them we have RNLB Campaign, The Princess Beatrice, Mercy Dash, Fortis and, of course, some which retain Shoreline within the name. Is your choice of name there? If not, why not make sure your choice is in with a chance by sending in the name when you recruit a new member.

At the time of writing 389 new members have been enrolled with subscriptions amounting to £3,830, so we do need your help! One other suggestion to help the campaign has come from a member who suggests that others may be in a similar situation to himself. 'Many of us,' he said, 'are not in a position to recruit any new members, but would gladly increase our subscriptions instead...' If you are in this position you can increase your subscription when it is due for renewal, or just make a one-off donation to the campaign by using the small coupon below - attach it to your cheque to be sure the amount is credited to the Re-member Campaign.

I enclose a cheque for £ , of which £ is an increased subscription/donation (please delete as applicable) for the Re-member Campaign 1989.

Name: Membership Number: Suggested Lifeboat name: R4A/89Just one new member each That's all it would take to pay for a new Mersey class lifeboat Make 1989 a year to 're-member', get a friend to fill in this form To: The Director, RNLI, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset BH15 IHZ KoyaiNational* I wish to join the RNLI, and enclose my subscription: Shoreline ft Member - £6 pa | ; Joint Member (husband and wife) - £9 pa F° I Governor - £20 pa j Life Governor - £200 or more iTI Name Address Llos 3/89 I R3/89STORM FORCE CORNER 'Thank you for the fantastic day . . . it was great to meet the lifeboatmen and go on a real lifeboat..." wrote John Fenwick after his visit to the Royal Festival Hall.

Eight-year-old John Fenwick of Market Deeping, Peterborough, was the overall winner of the Storm Force Painting Competition, with his interpretation of the Hayling Island Bronze medal rescue service, cleverly drawn within a medal.

From their appreciative letters, John and his family clearly enjoyed his prize as special guests at the Annual Presentation of Awards ceremony in London - their travel expenses for the day were met by kindness of British Rail.

Almost 1,000 new members have been enrolled as a result of the insert in the Spring issue of THE LIFEBOAT, and a warm welcome is extended to all these new members of the Storm Force club.

Many RNLI Regional Offices are busy organising special rallies to be held during the summer. Storm Force members in the region will have been advised and we wish them all an enjoyable time..