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Membership News

Happy Anniversary The RNLI membership scheme celebrated its 20th anniversary on 2 January 1989 with a membership of 135,401. By 5 March, just two months later, this had increased by more than 4,000 to some 139,726, which is very good news indeed and a very encouraging start to our 21 st year.

Re-member Campaign 1989 With your help the 1989 Re-member campaign will continue the welcome upward trend in membership, and we are grateful to those who have already helped to recruit the 132 new members - with a resulting subscription income of £1,536 - who have joined as a result of the campaign.

Throughout this year members will receive with their renewal advice a letter from the director incorporating one of the special coupons for completion by a friend - or perhaps you might like to give a year's membership as a gift for that special occasion or anniversary.

The current 'membership lifeboat', RNLB Shoreline, is a 37ft 6in Rother class, built ten years ago and currently stationed at Arbroath.Just one new member each That's all it would take to pay for a new Mersey class lifeboat Make 1989 a year to 're-member', get a Mend to fill in this form To: The Director, RNLI, West Quay Road, I PoOlC, Dorset BH15 1HZ Royal National I I wish lo join ihe RNLI. and enclose my suhscriplion: 1 *m 1 cilCl T | .Shoreline InsuMta, . Member - £6 pa ; 1 I Joint Member (husband and wife) - £9 pa P ( . Governor - £20 pa f j, | Life Governor - £200 or mon? (_ I Name I Address I • Postcode R3/89 3/89 I STORM For the first time, a Storm r- i_ -II l_ «;in Force member will be a VIP guest at the Annual Presentation of Awards ceremony at the Royal Festival Hall, London, in May.

A painting competition in the March issue of Storm Force News has, as first prize, a day in London on Tuesday 16 May, for the overall winner and his or her parents or guardian. They will be able to attend the Annual Presentation of Awards ceremony and meet the lifeboat medallists.

British Rail is generously sponsoring the travel costs.

The paintings have to depict one of the medal rescues and should result in some interesting entries. Storm Force has a growing membership of over 8,000 boys and girls.

Why not take the opportunity to enrol a young son, daughter, niece, nephew or grandchild in Storm Force by using the insert in this edition of the journal.

An Atllantic 21, drawn by 13-year-old Giles Drayton.