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Cover Picture

COVER PICTURE by Dowland Studios Lifeboat weather... A shaft of sunlight highlights the new Arun The Queen Mother during trials on a stormy day in January 1989. The lifeboat is to be stationed atThurso, and was due to sail there in March after operational trials.

Next Issue: The Summer issue of Tiih LIFEBOAT will appear in July 1989. and news items should be received by Monday, 15 May 19S9.

All material submitted for consideration with a view to publication should be addressed to The Editor, THI-: LIFEBOAT, Royal National Lifeboat Insiitution. West Quay Road, Poolc. Dorset BH15 1 HZ.

Photographs intended for return should be accompanied by a stamped, addressed envelope.

Subscription: A year's subscription for four issues costs £5.00. including postage, but those who are entitled lo receive Tin; LIFEBOAT free of charge w i l l continue to do o.

Overseas subscriptions depend on the cost of postage to the country concerned. Write to the RNLI. West Quay Road. Poole. Dorset BH15 1H7.

Printed by the Frian, Presi. Bridpor Road. : Dorchester, Dorset.

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