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With deep regret we record the following deaths.

MARCH 1988: Mr Tom Brown, honorary secretary of Ramsgate lifeboat station from 1974 until his retirement in 1979.

MAY 1988: Mrs Dorothy Smith, first president of Skegness ladies' guild when it was formed in 1960, an office which she held until her death.

Mr Reg Bray, chairman of Crawley branch.

Mr Bray was associated with the branch for over 20 years, many of them as chairman. He was awarded a silver badge in 1984.

JUNE 1988: Lt Ron Smith, DSM KNVR, deputy launching authority at Ramsgate from 1971 to 1987.

AUGUST 1988: Miss P. Reddick, lifeboat day organiser for Old Windsor branch from 1938 to 1977 and a staunch supporter until her death. She was awarded a statuette in 1964 and a silver badge in 1970.

Lt Col Gerald Ross, deputy organising secretary of Ireland from 1952 until his retirement in 1967. He joined the Institution after many years service with the Royal Marines.

SEPTEMBER 1988: Mrs Gwen Mock, chairman of Mumbles ladies' guild for over ten years. She joined the guild in 1962 and was awarded a silver badge in 1981.

OCTOBER 1988: Mrs Enid Foster, honorary secretary of Widnes ladies' guild since 1987 and from 1962 to 1971. A member of the guild for some 40 years, Mrs Foster was awarded a silver badge in 1984.

Mrs D. J. Wilkes of Llandudno, a keen and dedicated supporter of the lifeboat service for many years, she was appointed an honorary life governor in 1964.

Mr Jack Worth, coxswain of Penlee lifeboat from 1957 until his retirement in 1970. He joined the crew in 1924 and was bowman from 1947 to 1953, becoming second coxswain in 1956..