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From the Director

I was very pleased to include a message in the Winter issue of THE LIFEBOAT last year, and I am delighted to do so again.

I mentioned last year various developments in lifeboat design which were being undertaken, and it is encouraging to report on some worthwhile progress during 1988.

At the Annual General Meeting in 1986, the chairman, His Grace the Duke of Atholl, stated that the RNLI intended to complete the provision of fast lifeboats to the coast before the end of 1993. This was a bold forecast and I am glad to say that we still remain firmly on course to ensure that it is fulfilled.

One outstanding problem that needed to be resolved over this last year was the completion of the fast carriage lifeboat evaluation trials.

The new class was designed to succeed the 37ft Oakley and Rother classes, primarily for service at stations where the lifeboat is launched by carriage and tractor. Trials extended over a long period and, as with any new class of lifeboat, were rigorous in the extreme as we are determined thatany new lifeboat will be as near perfect as we can make it before it enters service on the coast.

Inevitably some problems were experienced, but without undue delay these were overcome and at the special press day held at Hastings in July we were able to announce that the new class was to be named Mersey, and that we would be placing orders for the first batch of Mersey class lifeboats before the end of 1988.

New lifeboats Although we are now confident that fast lifeboats will be in service in 1993, it will never be possible, either now or in the future, to relax our efforts. Detailed thought is already being given to the design of two new classes of fast lifeboat. These will embody all the experience we have gained with our present classes and will take advantage of modern technology.

We are planning to launch a prototype of one of these new lifeboats for extended trials within a year and, again, these will be exhaustive and will include opportunities for lifeboat crew members to experience the boat so that we can benefit from their advice and practical experience.

From a fund raising point of view we continue to receive magnificent support, and we can be proud that the RNLI continues to enjoy such high standing nationwide. Continuing efforts will be made to utilise the financial resources of the RNLI in the most effective way, and principally to ensure that the largest possible proportion is expended on the provision of lifeboats and equipment for the coast.The RNLI remains deeply conscious of the enormous debt it owes to the great multitude of people who support it so generously. However, this is another area where we will never be able to relax our efforts and we continue to consider additional ways of attracting support for the RNLI in the future.

An example has been the successful Access credit card promotion which we have undertaken in conjunction with the Royal Bank of Scotland. This has attracted many complimentary comments from our supporters, but also a few critical ones too! This reminds us always to ensure that any new fund raising scheme is considered carefully so that we can be confident it is suitable for the RNLI and that it will find approval with our supporters.

Magnificent spirit During the past year I accompanied the chairman on visits to Iceland and Belgium to celebrate special anniversaries of the lifeboat services in these two countries.

These visits provide marvellous opportunities to share our knowledge and experience with our friends and colleagues in overseas lifeboat services and I believe the RNLI benefits enormously from these contacts.

Finally, in my message last year I referred to the pride of service, the enthusiasm and the dedication that are so evident throughout the RNLI and that they must never be taken for granted. During the numerous visits I have undertaken to the coast and to meet our supporters and fund raisers during my first year as director, I have experienced at first hand the magnificent spirit that exists within the RNLI. All of us who are privileged to work for the Institution are conscious of this spirit, and it strengthens us in our determination to provide the best possible support for all those who in so many different ways do their utmost to maintain the RNLI's high standing.

I am delighted to have this further opportunity of expressing my personal thanks to everyone involved with the RNLI in whatever capacity and also extend every good wish for the year ahead..