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Contents Volume 51 Number 506 Chairman: THE DUKE OF ATHOLL Director and Secretary: LT CDR BRIAN MILES RD MN] RNR Editor: MIKE FLOYD Headquarters: Royal National Lifeboat Institution, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset BH15 1HZ.

Telephone Poole (0202) 671133 Telex 41328.

London Offices: Royal National Lifeboat Institution, 202 Lambeth Road, London SE1 7JW.

Telephone 01-928 4236 Advertisement Manager: PETER HOLNESS Royal National Lifeboat Institution, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset BH15 1HZ.

Telephone Poole (0202) 671133 Telex 41328 RNLI News What's happening in and around the Institution From the Director The Director of the RNLI, Lt Cdr Brian Miles, looks back on the past year and ahead to 1989 Lifeboat Services Accounts of some notable launches Your Letters Readers' views on all aspects of lifeboats Membership Iews_ _ News for Shoreline and Storm Force members Governors and Life Governors Home Base _ _ A look at the RNLI's Cowes Base, which looks after most aspects of the inflatable and rigid inflatable lifeboat fleet Dacca Navigator 42 45 46 53 55 56 58 Dick Perks recounts the RNLI's part in the Bangladesh flood relief effort Ceremonies Naming and dedication ceremonies around the country Books Some recent publications reviewed Past and Present 62 The Fundraisers How some of the RNLI's £34m a year is raised Lifeboat Services List of services for June and July People and Places 64 _ZP 72.