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A Yacht

Deep water 'rocks' sink yacht Donaghadee Ireland Division Donaghadee's Arun class lifeboat City of Belfast was called to an unusual incident on 2 July 1988 when a Mayday call was heard from a sinking yacht at 0115.

The call was from a yacht which reported that she had hit 'rocks' 12 miles north of the Maidens, in an area where there is more than 100m of water.

Minutes later HMS Battleaxe responded to a relay of the Mayday by Clyde MRCC and, as she was only two miles from the incident, she set off for the casualty.

Half-an-hour later Battleaxe had a boat alongside the four survivors' liferaft - the yacht having sunk in the meantime - and they were taken aboard the warship for medical attention.

Just less than an hour later, at 0240, the Arun arrived after a 20 mile passage, and the survivors were transferred to her and landed safely at Larne by 0333.

The explanation for the deep water 'rocks' was later found to be connected with the legend 'Submarine Exercise Area' on the chart - the yacht was believed to have collided with the periscope of a submarine..