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A Lot of Bottle

Each year since 1946, a local pub in New Quay, Dyfed, has made a collection for the RNLI with a huge bottle on the bar.

Together with his wife, David Rees, one of the few remaining crew of the William Cantrell Ashley, the last sailing and rowing lifeboat on the coast of the British Isles, is responsible forgetting the bottle filled. This year the bottle contained a record £895.27.

Dai, as he is known locally, has a family history connected with lifeboats. His grandfather was honorary secretary of the station in 1890 and Dai was awarded the bronze medal in August 1966 while a member of the New Quay lifeboat crew.

In the picture Dai is opening the recordbreaking bottle with wife Pat second from right, watched by members of New Quay Ladies' guild..

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