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With deep regret we record the following deaths.

NOVEMBER 1987: Miss F. E. H Shackleton, JP, vice president of Rochdale ladies' guild since 1959.

She was honorary secretary of the guild from 1947 to 1959 and was awarded a silver badge in 1966 and a gold badge in 1984.

APRIL 1988: Miss Doris Calow, honorary secretary of Douglas ladies' guild from 1968 to 1988.

She was awarded a silver badge in 1981.

JUNE 1988: Mrs Esme Edgar who, with her late husband Mr Anthony Edgar, funded the Arun class lifeboat Robert Edgar, on station at St Mary's in the Scilly Isles.

James Turpin, coxswain of Fowey lifeboat until his retirement in 1978. He joined the crew in 1938, becoming coxswain in 1959. In 1977 he was awarded the BEM for services to the RNLI.

Mrs Joyce Allen, founder member and president of Aldemey branch. Mrs Allen was awarded a statuette in 1977 and a silver badge in 1981.

Mr R. A. Davies, chairman of Hale Bams branch from 1975 to 1988.

JULY 1988: Miss G. M. Milburn, donor of the Waveney class lifeboat The White Rose of Yorkshire and the D class lifeboat Gwynaeth, both stationed at Whitby.

William Pritchard, coxswain of Beaumans lifeboat until his retirement in 1980.

He joined the crew in 1956, becoming coxswain in 1972.

John John, second coxswain of Tenby lifeboat from 1982. He joined the crew of the Watson lifeboat in 1963 and was also a member of the station's D class lifeboat crew from 1973. In 1983 he was awarded a long service badge.

Mrs A. Percival, vice president of Widnes ladies' guild from 1972 to 1988..