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My Lass

Tow line passed in SW gale Hastings - South East Division On Thursday, 24 March 1988 the Station Honorary Secretary at Hastings, John Heyes, heard on VHP channel 6 that the fishing vessel My Lass of Rye had broken her propeller shaft two miles south of the station.

Visibility was poor, and a strong WNW wind was already kicking up a moderate sea. With SSW gales of Force 8 to 9 imminent and conditions worsening it was decided to launch the 37ft Oakley Fairlight to recover the fishing boat.

The lifeboat was launched from her carriage at 1047, and by the time she had arrived at the casualty at 1105 the gales had arrived, with the wind having backed SW between Force 6 and 8.

My Lass was among fleets of fixed nets and in heavy seas which demanded the closest teamwork and co-operation from the crew of the lifeboat.

Difficulties Despite the difficulties Coxswain Fred White was able to pass and secure a tow without damage, and the crew of three remained on the fishing boat as she was towed back to Hastings.

The casualty was finally beached through the surf with the aid of the station's launching tractor, and the lifeboat was then recovered, rehoused and ready for service by 1152..