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RNLI MEMBERSHIP SCHEME We are grateful to Christopher McGough, one of our Annual Governors, who has brought to our attention some historical notes concerning the membership scheme and, as we reach yet another milestone, it is an opportune moment to set the records straight and tell you of our plans for the future.

It was on 2 January, 1969 that Sir Alec Rose formally launched the Yachtsmen's Lifeboat Supporters Association YLA) which was created for two main purposes. Principally, this was to be a source of revenue for the Institution and, secondly, a vehicle for increasing interest in the lifeboat service. Subscriptions from this source continued until 31 March, 1973 after which new subscribers were enrolled into the newly formed RNLI membership scheme introduced in October 1972 to provide an additional source of regular revenue. Some 10,000 YLA members were subsequently transferred to the scheme to which the title "Shoreline" had been given. Recruitment has continued in the intervening years and we are now in the 20th year of an active membership subscription scheme with some 131,713 members.

What of the future? Readers may remember the lively correspondence on this page discussing a possible new name for the membership scheme. After many interesting ideas, both from members and RNLI staff, the best solution seemed to be to make the scheme more readily recognisable under the title "RNLI Membership Scheme". This title could then also embody Storm Force, the junior membership scheme. Members will continue to be enrolled under the existing framework as Governors, Shoreline members and Storm Force for junior members under the age of 16 years.

We are mindful of the additional support members have given throughout the life of our membership scheme, not least of which has been their involvement in Shoreline Clubs, introduced at the request of some members to provide opportunities to meet socially. Whilst they certainly enjoyed success as social groups, it was perhaps inevitable that in a club of this nature fund raising would evolve and we are deeply indebted to those who have pursued these activities so vigorously and successfully. Some Shoreline Clubs have, where possible, now taken the logical step of becoming fund raising branches in their own right, in some cases retaining their social meeting arrangements. Others, in joining forceswith existing branches, have greatly enhanced the fund raising potential of the enlarged group. Our thanks to you all and best wishes for continued success.

Thanks are also due to the many Associate Members who have entered into full membership following the discontinuance of this grade and others who, whilst unable to make this commitment, are continuing their support with regular donations. Many of our members when writing in to increase their subscriptions by Direct Debit, expressed surprise at the need to complete a new mandate, believing that like so many other organisations we are able to vary the amount payable.

Regrettably, our present mandates are for fixed amounts but a conversion programme is being arranged for both Direct Debit and Deeds of Covenant to be variable against changes in the subscription rates. We hope, in the future, this will keep inconvenience to members to the minimum and simplify administration of the scheme.

The RNLI Membership Scheme is an important source of funds and we are grateful to all members for their continuing support. Our aim for the future is to seek and encourage new members to support us through regular subscriptions and covenants and we hope we can count on your help to achieve these aims.

Final note: Apologies are due to those readers who received their journal late last quarter. It was the result of a technical hitch.

We ask everything of him.

We ask just £6 of you, Every time a lifeboatman puts to sea, he risks his life.

Becoming one of our members helps reduce those risks.

Because your £6 helps buy him protective clothing and helps us provide him with the best equipped boats.

, All of which will make his task safer to undertake.

And as the lifeboats are run entirely on voluntary contributions and membership fees, your £6 is vital.

For men who never question whether they should go, is £6 too much to ask? } _ To: The Director, RJS.L.I., Wfest Quay Road, Poole, Dorset BH15 1HZ. j I wish to join the R.N.L.1. Here is my subscription: Shoreline Member £6 p.a. D | Family Shoreline Member £9 p.a. D Governor £20 p.a. D Life Governor £200 or more D (Or) I enclose a donation of £ Name- Address.


Royal National Lifeboat - InstitutionSTORM FORCE The Storm Force Club is for under 16s only. It costs £3 to join and members receive a certificate, poster, newsletter, badge and stickers. Further newsletters are sent each quarter. Groups of ten or more may also join for £1 each.

For further details please contact Storm Force Headquarters, RNLI, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset BH15 1HZ..