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Falmouth November 15 1987:

FAI.MOUTH, NOVEMBER 15, 1987: harnessed into a helicopter strop, WEM J R Stevenson is lowered gently from the boat davit of his ship HMS Challenger to the deck of Falmouth's 52ft Arun class relief lifeboat Ralph and Bonella Farrant after being taken seriously ill on board the Royal Naval vessel. The lifeboat, with Coxswain Vivian Pentecost at the helm, left her moorings at 1008 in a force 7/8 south-westerly wind and rendezvoused with HMS Challenger in Falmouth Bay at 1026. The casualty was landed at Custom House Quay 21 minutes later, transferred to a waiting ambulance and taken to Truro Hospital for an operation, from which he has since fully recovered. photograph by courtesy W/IIMS Challenger.

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