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First Shefras Fundraising

A NEW BOAT ALL AT SEA OR PLAIN SAILING? Whether you want to buy a new or secondhand craft or refit your own, make Mercantile Credit your first port of call. As we've been financing aH kinds of boats, and equipment for over 50 years our plans can make sure you're on the right course.

For example, our stabiliser mortgages over £15,000 have launched many a vessel. What's more, fixed monthly repayments have been designed to spread over a period rhat suits you.

If your purchase is more modest then an unsecured loan from a few hundred pounds to £15,000 could be the answer.

So have a word with the helpful crew at your nearest Mercantile Credit office.

Call in or telephone - the address and number is in the phone book. Or if you prefer, return the coupon to the address below. You won't do better than to float a loan with us.

Please provide me full details of your financial plans for buying boats and equipment.

We're always pleased to provide written quotations to customers on request. No security on loans up to £15,000.

I Mercantile Credit NAME ADDRESS Mercantile Credit Company Limited, Marine Finance Unit, Arundel Towers North, Portland Terrace, Southampton SO9 3RR.

Telephone: 0703 330344. TEL..