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Appeal success It was a proud moment when Southend Mayor Ken Cater unveiled a commemorative plaque at the town's inshore lifeboat house, next to the pier.

It acknowledged the hard work of Shoreline Club No. 3 in raising £6,000 to pay for the cost of building the boathouse.

It also thanked the many people who contributed to the appeal, known as the Yvonne Kidwell Inshore Boathouse Appeal, since it was launched in 1980.

Since the Thorpe Bay club formed in 1980 members have met for social and fund raising activities. Having successfully completed the appeal, funds are now raised to help maintain and equip the Southend station's two boathouses.

The mayor's visit to the lifeboat crew included taking the helm of the Atlantic 21 inshore rescue boat.Debate continues Suggested alternatives to the name Shoreline continue to arrive by the sackful at RNLI headquarters, with the debate on whether or not a change of title is necessary, or even desirable, concerning many correspondents.

Mrs N. Basford, of Luton, for example, comments: "Why go to all the expense of changing, especially as alternatives don't seem to have any special impact?" The expense also concerns Mrs R. M.

Daley, of Solihull, West Midlands.

"When I paid my first subscription a short while ago, I was delighted with the name of Shoreline. It is excellent and sums up all the organisation stands for.

I therefore feel quite strongly that to change this name merely for a whim would be criminal . . . Another consideration for a fund raising organisation, what about the expense of replacing the name on the letterheading and the knick-knacks?" Of all the names suggested by the pro-change members. Lifeboat Supporters' Group (or minor variations of the same) seems to be the most favoured.

We will leave it at that for now.

Thank you to all who took the trouble to write in—it has been a most stimulating debate.—Editor.

Club news Shoreline clubs continue to thrive in various parts of the country and it is the purpose of this page to feature their activities, as well as those of individual Shoreline members. Club secretaries are invited to send in reports of what their clubs have been up to, addressing correspondence to: The Editor, Shoreline Page, The Lifeboat, RNLI.

West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset, BH15 1HZ.Storm Force Rally ON July 11, 1987 some 120 Storm Force members with their parents arrived at Fleetwood lifeboat station for the second annual Storm Force Rally.

In their teams, all named after types of lifeboats, they were shown the D class lifeboat, the boathouse, a radar operations room and a joint exercise between HM Coastguard and Fleetwood's Waveney Lady of Lancashire and the D class.

After lunch they met the station administration officer and the crew, asked a lot of questions, had a very exciting treasure hunt and watched the film "In Danger's Hour".

The weather was perfect (after a very stormy early morning) and the whole day was a huge success, with lots of fun, great enthusiasm on the part of children and leaders, the children enjoyed learning about the RNLI, and over £300 was spent on the Storm Force souvenir stall.

They all went away looking forward to next year's rally..