Mariner doesn't just promise reliability.
It proves it! If you're considering buying an outboard, whatever the size, you'll have noticed that almost evenmanufacturer promises greater reliability as an important reason for selecting their engine instead of someone else' At Mariner, we prefer to deal in proof, not promises. That's why you may be interested to knowthat after a stringent, lengthy and punishing programme of engine evaluation, the RNLI have chosen Mariner power. Why? Because the one thing their fleet of inflatable rescue boats must have, above all else, is ultimate engine reliability - and as their test programme proved, Mariner has it! I XJUTBOARDS The range includes models from a gentlJ 2 hp through to the brutal 200 hp Vf .
For power, economy and sheer htv you can t beat The R.N.L.I, is completely f inancec by voluntary contributions.
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BARRUS •M — MARINE DIVISION Launton Road, Bicester, Oxfordshire, OX6 OUR.
Telephone: (0869) 253355..