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Otley All Saints First School Storm Force

Otley All Saints First School Storm Force group was started more than two years ago and has a regular membership of more than 40, aged between four and eight years.

They meet once a month or so to learn about the RNLI, to think of ways of raising money for the lifeboats and "generally to have fun", says their teacher Mrs Pamela Pears, who is pictured here with them. Mrs Pears is a member of Otley ladies' lifeboat guild.

Also in the photograph is the Rev Robert Marshall, curate of Otley Parish Church. The children had just finished presenting an assembly to mark the birthday of the RNLI.

During the presentation, the Rev Marshall dedicated a Storm Force banner which the children had made at one of their meetings.

Afterwards the pupils sold tea and biscuits to parents and friends, raising £58 for the RNLI in 15 minutes! Members of the group also took part in Otley's carnival parade in June, accompanying the RNLI float.

photograph by courtesy of Malcolm Photographies.

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