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IT is with deep regret that we record the following deaths: January 1987 Cyril Mayo, chairman of Warmley branch since 1974, two years after he first became a member. He was awarded a statuette in 1983.

February 1987 Robert Brutnell, a life governor, who was formerly Editor of the local newspapers at Eastbourne for 17 years, giving publicity to the RNLI at every opportunity, before retiring to Potter Heigham, Norfolk.

Joe Salmon, foreman rigger at the RNLI's Poole Depot since 1983, who joined the department as a rigger in 1977. He is survived by his wife Marlene, post room supervisor at RNLI headquarters, Poole.

April 1987 Mark Bates, coxswain of Kilmore Quay lifeboat from 1950 to 1966, who was awarded the silver medal of the RNLI in 1958 for the rescue of the crewof 10 of a French trawler in December, 1957.

Captain E. Senior, a member of Grimsby branch since 1962, who was awarded a silver badge in 1975 and a gold badge in 1986.

Norman Wells, an honorary life governor and formerly honorary secretary of the Kingston on Thames branch. He was awarded the silver badge in 1967 and the gold badge in 1979, becoming an honorary life governor last year.

Mrs Kate Stoy, governor and Lewisham branch committee member for more than 30 years and wife of former branch chairman Fred Stoy. She was awarded the RNLI's silver badge and, as chairman of the local Trefoil Women's Guild, organised collectors for the local lifeboat weeks and those to help out on souvenir stalls at various functions.

Michael Lenegham BEM, coxswain of Newcastle, Co. Down lifeboat for 26 years and a lifeboatman for more than 40 years. He served as second coxwain from 1950 until 1961 before taking over as coxwain, having first joined the crew in 1946, aged 19..