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Hartlepool April 26 1987:

Hartlepool, April 26, 1987: Crew member Tom Price splashes champagne over Hartlepool's new Atlantic 21 lifeboat Burton Brewer, following her naming ceremony.

The boat was provided from an appeal in Burton-on-Trent, Staffordshire and Captain Alex Kirk, Hartlepool station branch honorary secretary, thanked the people of that town when he formally received the lifeboat.

Following a short service led by the Reverend John Lund, Chaplain for the Missions of Seamen, Hartlepool, assisted by Mr W.

Ryder, Burton Brewer was named by Mrs Kate Huckerby, the longest serving member of Burton branch. Earlier, Mr James Atkinson, chairman of Hartlepool station branch, had opened proceedings and Amanda Reeve, daughter of a crew member, had presented Mrs Huckerby with a bouquet. Mr Gordon Stokes, chairman of Burton branch, handed the lifeboat over to the RNLI and Mr Anthony Oliver, the Institution's head of fund raising, accepted the boat, placing her in the care of Hartlepool station. After the ceremony, the boat, which will be housed alongside Hartlepool's 44ft Waveney class lifeboat, The Scout, was put through her paces in Middleton Dock..

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