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We finance anything from the humble to The Hamble.

If you're looking to buy anything from a dinghy to a yacht we can almost certainly help with the finance.

Simply fill in this application form to find out how. And if you're a member of the Royal Yachting Association, so much the better. For then we can offer you special terms.

*&. --*! To: Marine Finance Depl.. Lombard North Central PLC. FREE POST. 24 Cornwall Road.

Dorchester. Dorset DT1 1BR.

(Block capitals please) LOMBARD Name Address.

Evening telephone number— Are you an RYA member'' Yes/No_ Type of vessel Approximate cost Amount ot loan L Postcode Daytime telephone number Wnlten quotation available on request Credit available to anyone aged 18 and over Amounts over £5000 by Marine Mortgage Preferred Repayment Period- Lombard North Central PLC A A member of the National Westminster Bank Group I ~ ~ Registered in England No 337004 i Registeredoffice LomtwrdHouse.CuzonStreet. LondonWIA 1EU | 1-0418 I.