Kenneth William and Mor-Nita
Eleven hour escort TWO COMMERCIAL FISHING VESSELS, Kenneth William of Brancaster and Mor- Nita of Wells were at sea off Wells on the morning of Friday November 21, 1986 in a north-easterly storm force 10 and in very rough and heavy seas.
Neither were able to make any way and had therefore asked Wells lifeboat for assistance.
At 0729 the 37ft Oakley lifeboat Ernest Tom Neathercoat launched from her carriage with Coxswain Anthony Jordan at the helm. The events of the next eleven hours during which time the lifeboat was at sea standing by and escorting the two fishing vessels are very well described by the lifeboat's log of radio telephony messages on Channel 6 to and from Wells and Yarmouth Coastguard, two RAF helicopters, the fishing boats and Wells lifeboat house.
At 0742 Wells Coastguard radioed to the rescue centre at Yarmouth: Bar is very rough. Suggest helicopter stands by.
0743 Yarmouth Coastguard to lifeboat: Suggest helicopter stands by.
Response: Agreed. It is very rough on the bar.
0752 Lifeboat to Mor-Nita: Coming alongside to pass lifejackets.
0759 Lifeboat to Wells Coastguard: Three lifejackets transferred to Mor-Nita.
0801 RAF rescue helicopter 125 to lifeboat: On wav to you. Request sit: rep: Response: Position quarter mile east of We/Is fairway buoy.
0803 Lifeboat to Kenneth William: Can you make way to westward'.' Response: Will do.
0808 Lifeboat to Mor-Nita: Can you stay here until we go back for Kenneth William? Response: Will do.
0809 Lifeboat to Wells Coastguard Request weather forecast.
Response: North east 6 to gale 8, becoming cyclonic 5 to 6, rain, visibilitv moderate to good.
0810 Helicopter to lifeboat: How manv people involved? Response: Two vessels involved, three persons on each.
0816 Helicopter to lifeboat: We are two miles from Fairwav.
Response: We have von visual.
0820 Helicopter to lifeboat: We will hang about in the area and keep an eve on things.
Response: Thank you, we will keep von informed.
0829 Lifeboat to Wells Coastguard: We have one boat with water circulation problems. [Kenneth William's engine circulating water and bilge pumps obstructed by shrimps.]0834 Wells Coastguard to lifeboat: Coltishall Met: say the weather will stay the same until lunchtime.
0838 Kenneth William to lifeboat: We still have water trouble.
0839 Helicopter to lifeboat: Would you like us to stand by until things are resolved? Response: Please stand by until the situation is resolved.
0844 Kenneth William to lifeboat: Problem solved for the moment.
0848 Lifeboat to Kenneth William: Can you come further to sea towards us? Response: Will do.
0851 Helicopter lands on beach car park and stands by with engines running.
0858 Wells Coastguard to lifeboat: Yarmouth Coastguard requests sit: rep: Response: Weather conditions very bad, very heavy swell, vessels dodging. Much too rough to bring them in yet. Kenneth William has water problem, might be OK in a while.
0902 Helicopter to Wells Coastguard (from car park): We are happy to stay here as long as necessary in view of awful conditions and can stand by as long as required.
0904 Lifeboat to Mor-Nita: Things are not improving much. We can only ride it out.
Response: Agree. We are getting used to it! [Kenneth William copied] 0906 Lifeboat to Kenneth William: Carry on out to westward so we can manoeuvre if necessary.
Response: Will do.
0907 Lifeboat to Wells Coastguard: We have lost our radar. Kenneth William's sounder is us 0908 Helicopter to Wells Coastguard: Have boats got life rafts? Response from Wells Coastguard (via lifeboat) Neither vessel has liferaft.
0938 Lifeboat to Mor-Nita (having checked on high water times and state of tide): Consider it best to keep dodging for now.
Response: Agreed.
0942 Lifeboat to Wells Coastguard: Due to very rough weather conditions we intend to ride it out with the other boats.
0955 Lifeboat to lifeboat house: Please check on conditions at harbour mouth.
Response: No grey water, it is white all across.
0958 (Lifeboat coxswain decides to have a look at bar) Helicopter to Wells Coastguard: When the lifeboat comes to look at the bar we will get airborne and escort them.
0959 Lifeboat to Wells Coastguard: We are coming in to look at conditions.
[Helicopter flies to harbour mouth).
1004 Lifeboat to Wells Coastguard: Sea state is too bad to bring the vessels in.
We will ride it out with them until the weather moderates.1005 Helicopter to lifeboat: / assume you still require me in the area in case I am needed.
Response: Affirmative.
Response from helicopter: We will return to landing site.
1015 Helicopter to Yarmouth Coastguard: /( is a scene of devastation out there, I propose to stay and stand by.
1036 Helicopter to Wells Coastguard: Have confirmed that we stay here until 1100 when we will he relieved by another Sea King (126), fully fuelled.
1037 Lifeboat to Wells Coastguard: Going to rig drogue and come through [harbour entrance! to see what it is like.
1040 Helicopter to lifeboat: We have vou visual.
1050 Lifeboat to Mor-Nita: Not very nice. Would not try to bring you in here.
Response: / intend to go up to Thornham Hole.
1054 Kenneth William to lifeboat: What is it like? Response: Much too rough to bring you in, we will come with you up to Thornham.
1056 Lifeboat to Wells Coastguard: Much too rough to bring them in. We are recovering drogue and will then go out and escort them.
1104 Yarmouth Coastguard to lifeboat: When will they get into Wells? Response: Much too rough now. Not until evening.
Response: What are their fuel states?Response: Mor-Nita has fuel for 20-24 hours.
1124 Rescue helicopter 126 (airborne) to lifeboat: Kenneth William looks as if engine has stopped. He looks all right at present.
Response: We are proceeding to him.
Response: He has started his engine again.
1131 Helicopter 126 returns to base after ascertaining stand-by is no longer required.
1133 Lifeboat to Kenneth William: How much fuel have you? Response: About half a tank. Enough fuel until tonight. [Yarmouth Coastguard copied.] 1225 Lifeboat to Yarmouth Coastguard: Present position half mile east of Brancaster Wreck. All going well.
1255 Yarmouth Coastguard to lifeboat: Reverting to channel 0 and 16 now.
1512 Lifeboat to Wells Coastguard: Nothing more to report, just dodging about.
1534 Wells Coastguard to lifeboat: What is the situation and what are your intentions? Response: Will let you know as soon as decided.
1555 Lifeboat to Wells Coastguard: Am going east with Mor-Nita to have a look at the entrance [to Brancaster Harbour].
Kenneth William is having a look at Brancaster.
1637 Wells Coastguard to lifeboat: How is Kenneth William getting on at Brancaster? Response: He is looking at entrance to harbour.
Sleep Robber [local boat] is going to assist.
Response: Would it be better to take Mor-Nita into Brancaster? 1642 Lifeboat to Mor-Nita: Are you happy to go into Brancaster? Response: Will go to Brancaster.
1659 Lifeboat to Wells Coastguard: Both vessels are happy to go into Brancaster on their own and we are returning to station.
1806 Lifeboat waits at Wells Harbourmouth to check on tide position.
1814 Lifeboat to Mor-Nita: How are you getting on? Response: We are nearly in now. Very many thanks.
1825 Lifeboat enters Wells harbour.
Following this service a letter signed by Lt Cdr Brian Miles, deputy director and chief of operations, was sent to the honorary secretary of Wells lifeboat station passing on appreciative thanks to Coxswain Anthony Jordan and his crew for their endurance and commendable actions..