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Eastbourne October 21 1986:

Eastbourne, October 21, 1986: heavy rain and a strong south-westerly force 8 wind greeted guests at the handing over and dedication ceremony of Eastbourne's new 16ft D class inflatable lifeboat. At 2.30 pm the ceremony began at the site of the lifeboat museum, and after introductions from the branch chairman, Lt Cdr Graham Bradford, both Sir Humphrey (centre) and Lady Tollemache (2nd 1), donors of the boat, spoke of historical family connections with Eastbourne. Lady Tollemache then handed over the lifeboat to the Institution, Michael Pennell, divisional inspector (South East) accepting her on behalf of the RNLI. John Wood, deputy launching authority, received her on behalf of the station and the branch chaplain. Reverend R. Butler performed the dedication. The adverse weather precluded the launch of the lifeboat but the donors and guests were driven to the boathouse for tea with the crew. Also pictured are (1 to r) Second Coxswain David Corke, Helmsman Ian Stringer and Coxswain Graham Cole.

photograph by courtesy of Eastbourne News.

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