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Cover Picture

Th? 4Kfl bin Ouklrv class l./:nnl-(. 'tulgwimlifeboat - James anil Catherine Macfarlune - pulls ni n from her bouthousc itl Kilcobbcn Cove. Tin- l.i:urtl. The Minion, with its dramatic backdrop, was opened M HK/l I lit' Duke of Edinburgh, in July /%/. The lifeboat, formerly at I'ail.siow, was transferred to Lizard-Cadgwith station in Julv IVR4. The photograph was taken b I'eter B. Gunlaek who generously offered n for u. e in Tin: LimOAT.

Subscription: A year's subscription of four issues costs £3.(X). including postage, but those who are entitled to receive THE LIFEBOAT free of charge will continue to do so. Overseas subscriptions depend on the cost of postage to the country concerned. Write to RNLI. West Quay Road. Poole, Dorset BH15 1HZ.

Next issue: the Summer issue of THE LIFEBOAT will appear in July and news items should be sent in by the end of April. News items for the Autumn issue should be sent in by the end of July.

Kditorial: All material submitted for consideration with a view to publication in the journal should be addressed to the editor, THE LIFEBOAT, Royal National Lifeboat Institution. West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset BH15 1HZ (Telephone Poole (0202) 671133). Photographs intended for return should be accompanied by a stamped and addressed envelope..

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