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Shoreline Member Mr Alan Kahn of Essex

Shoreline member Mr Alan Kahn of Essex thought of calling his all-new Renault 5 Francis because "it's as trim as Clare yet as sturdy as Drake" and won himself the five door version (kindly donated by Renault UK Ltd) as a result in the recent Shoreline competition. He is seen here (r) with his wife receiving the keys to his new car from local Renault garage owner Peter Scott with (I to r) Crew Member Roy Kidwell of Southend lifeboat, Renault publicity manager Jeff Salik and Crew Member Peter Hyem, all who came along to witness the handing over. The other photograph (right) shows Mr M. J. Rich (r), Mr Kahn's father-in-law who was his new Shoreline recruit for the competition, receiving his prize of a Vinta 370 sailboard (kindly donated by Scanro Ltd) from Weston-super- Mare lifeboat helmsman, Richard Spindler and local sailboard dealer, Roger Lanning.

photographs (above) courtesy of Yellow Advertiser and (right) Simon White, West Air Photography.

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