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The Mumbles, August 29, 1986: A bi-ling ceremony was the order of the day when The Mumbles' new 16ft D class inflatable lifeboat was dedicated with prayers in Welsh and English. After Dr Hudson, chairman of the station committee, had opened the proceedings, Mrs M. C. Hearmon, donor of the lifeboat, handed her gift over to Glyn Williams, a member of the RNLI's fund raising committee. The honorary secretary, Captain K. Carstens, accepted the lifeboat on behalf of the station and after the service of dedication Mrs Hearmon was invited to inspect the lifeboat and meet the crew.

Filey, August 21, 1986: An eleventh hour downpour caused changes to the dedication ceremony of Filey's new 16ft D class inflatable lifeboat with guests cramming into the boathouse to keep dry. Ron Wilson, chairman of the station welcomed everyone, in particular Neil Cash, president of the Filey Lions Club who provided the lifeboat, and Captain G. A. B. King, representing the Committee of Management who passed the lifeboat into the care of Filey station. The dedication service which followed was conducted by The Reverend Wilf Curtis, vicar of Filey. Mrs Pauline Cash then named the lifeboat Filey Lion before receiving a bouquet from Vanessa Marshall, daughter of a crew member.Rye Harbour, September 27, 1986: this was the day chosen for the handing over and dedication of Rye Harbour's new 17ft 6in C class inflatable lifeboat. The boat was provided by the Lewes lifeboat appeal and was handed over to the RNLI by Mr D. Walker, chairman of Lewes and District branch. Dr Geoffrey Hale, a committee of management member and a local Rye resident, accepted the lifeboat on behalf of the Institution before handing her into the care of Mr R. J. Tollett, station honorary secretary. The Reverend E. Wilkinson, Vicar of Westfield, conducted the service of dedication before Mr A. C. Miller, acting chairman of the Rye Harbour station branch, invited Lady Monk Bretton to unveil the donor's plaque..