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National Lifeboat Museum. Bristol

The RNLI's charter docs not make provision (or the preservation of old lifeboats and equipment, and ihc National Lifeboat Museum. Bristol was therefore established as an independent registered charily for this purpose.

COMING TO THE RESCi The Historic City of Bristol, is home to the National Lifeboat Museum. On the quay at Princes Wharf, in the heart of the city, housed in a dockside warehouse of over 3,000 sq metres, is a collection of 15 large exhibits. From a Case Launching Tractor, a 1905 Ruby pulling lifeboat, one of the early Atlantic 21's, three Watsons, to a self righter. The range includes an early 'D-type' inflatable, and the last of the 'Liverpools* to see service with the RNLI.

This collection has been carefully brought together over the last seven years and has won the professional acclaim of the British Museum.

With recent grant aid the building is being refurbished, and extra amenities are being provided for visitors, together with a section devoted to a Shoreline and Storm Force Information Centre.

Your help is sought to enable this part of our country's heritage to be preserved for posterity. Join us as a Founder Member and enjoy the privileges of FREE entrance to the Museum, not only for yourself and family at all times, but for a party of your accompanied friends (up to 12 in number) on three occasions each year. A FREE copy of the regularly published Newsletter, and in the early future, Gubroom facilities for visiting members.

FOUNDER MEMBERSHIP I would like to support the National Lifeboat Museum by joining as a Founder Member.

Entrance Fee (£5.00) 5 00 Annual Subscription (£5.00) 5 00 Members Tie (£4.50) Members Brooch (£1.00) I enclose my cheque tor £ or debit my Access/Barclaycard/American Express with this sum Card No: [ Name (Mr, Mrs, Miss) Address Signature Date HOW YOU CAN HELP: * Become a Founder Member for £5.00 p.a.

* Become a Life Founder Member for a single payment of £100.

* For annual gift of £10.00 or more, sign a deed of covenant, which will increase the value of your donation by almost half.

* Become a sponsor, as an individual, or with the help of your business.

Contact: Peter Elliot, Chairman National Lifeboat Museum c/o E.G. Brown (Bristol) Limited 63 Quarrington Road, Bristol BS7 9PJ Telephone 0272 513215 Who will be happy to discuss sponsorship schemes.

The National Lifeboat Museum is a registered charity No: 277323 and company limited by guarantee. Registered in England I408S3S.

GIFT FORM I would like to help the National Lifeboat Museum I enclose my donation of £ _ £50 £25 or debit my Access/Barclaycard/American Express with this sum Card No: Name (Mr, Mrs, Miss) Address Signature Date Please accept our sincere thanks for this gift.

Tick if receipt required. [_ If you do noi wish 10 cul your copy of the Lifeboat. Please send your name and address to the N.LM. Princes Wharf, Wapping Road, Bristol BSI 4RN and we will send forms by return-.