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Mla Unit Trust Management

ML A INTERNATIONAL TRUST A truly international spread which has grown 54.4% in 12 months MLA International Trust takes a broad international view of investing for growth - and has notched up a gain of 54.4% in its offer price in the 12 months since August 1985.

This outstanding performance is due to selecting the right markets worldwide at the right time.

In recent months Japanese stock markets have risen strongly and other areas of the world have also contributed to the Trust's success. For example, 40% is in Europe where markets are currently predicted to be set for more growth.

14% is in the USA, still producing evidence of being one of the world's strongest economies, and now set for further recovery in the future.

This spread of investment is poised to benefit from growth wherever it occurs in the world's major markets.

EUROPE 40% JAPAN AND FAR EAST 33% UK 13% USA 14% Top investment management Although past performance is no guarantee for the future, MLA International Trust is managed by one of Britain's top unit trust management teams, who are already masters of the UK market - About MLA MLA Unit Trust Manage- Every investment in the ment is part of the MLA American Trust Municipal Insurance Group, made through this advert- The Group's specialist isement provides a finaninvestment team _ _ /~~f cial contribution now have funds •Wk iSSTx' to l'le work ° under manage- JW« y**"~~* the RNLI, which ment in excess is supported of £750 million. SUPPORTING THE LIFEBOATS by MLA MLA General Trust, which invests primarily in British shares, has grown an average of 32%* a year since launch in June 1976. It is the top-performing UK general trust of all over a 7-year period. (Source: Money Management, August 1986.) In addition, MLA International Trust has a strong showing in the top ten of its sector (source: Money Marketing August 15th, 1986). The Trust has grown by a total of 132.5%* since launch in April 1983.

*On an offer-to-bid basis, including reinrested income.

How to invest You may buy units at the offer price ruling on receipt of your remittance.

The minimum investment is £500.

Simply fill in the Application Form below and send it to the Managers with your cheque for the full amount you wish to invest.

A contract note will be issued and your unit certificate will be despatched within six weeks.

You should remember that the price of units and the income from them can go down as well as up.

However, the Managers are confident that continuing growth prospects round the world are such that you have an excellent opportunity to see your money Charges: There is an initial charge of 5l lo included in the o f f e r price, and an annual management charge of l°/o (plus VAT) of the capital value of the Trust l-'und. This is deducted hall-yearly from the value of the Trust I-'und to meet the expenses of the Managers.

Intermediaries: Commission is paid to recognised intermediaries; rates available on request.

Distribution: Net Income will he distributed twice a year on 31st May and 30th November.

Dealing: Units are valued and dealt in daily. Any orders will be dealt with at the price ruling on the date of receipt of instructions. Prices and yield are usually published in the l:mancial Times and Times.

Selling units: To sell your units, simply sign the unit certificate and return it to the Managers, who will send you a cheque within seven working days. Units will be bought back at not less than the hid price calculated in accordance with the formula contained in the Trust Deed.

Tax: The Trust pays no capita! gains tax on its investments Unuholders pay no capital gains tax unless their yearly total of capital gains exceeds £6,300.

The tax information contained in this advertisement is based on our present (August I9 S6] it]Hler-.tan Revenue p r a c t i c e and cu The Trust Deed: The Managers and Trustee are permitted under the terms of the Trust Deed to execute, at a f u t u r e date, a Supplemental Deed to allow the writing or purchase of Traded Call Options or the purchase of Traded Tut Options on behalf of the Trust. In the event of future changes to current legislation by the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry which make provision for the writing or purchase or dealing by the Managers or the Trustee on behalf of the Trust of or in currency f u t u r e s or options or forward exchange contracts which are traded on a Recognised Stock Exchange or Recognised Option Exchange or other currency exchange or market, the Managers may make suitable amendments to the Trust Deed without the consent of the unitholders.

Trustee: Midland Bank Trust Company Limited.

Managers: MLA Unit Trust Management (being a trading name of Ml.A Investment Management Limited) 99-100 Sandling Road, Maidstone, Kent. ML-14 1XX Tel: 0622 674751. Registered No. 1242681 (England). Registered Office: 22, Old Queen Street, London S V1 9HN -i grow in the MLA International Trust.

For your information, the offer price on 4th September 1986 ivas 60.2p and the estimated gross current yield, 0.88%.

I Application Form MLA INTERNATIONAL TRUST To: MLA Unit Trust Management, 99 Sandling Road, Maidstone, Kent. ME14 1XX Tel: 0622 674751 I/We wish to invest £ in MLA International Trust at the offer price ruling on date of receipt ol these instructions. I enclose a cheque made payable to MLA Unit Trust Management. (Minimum £500). I We declare that I am/we are over 1 8 Please tick box if you require income to he reinvested in further units. D ! am an existing M I A Unitholder YI-"S NO Name Address _ . (Mr Mrs, Miss/Title) Signature(s) _ ill IMPORTANT - MONTHLY SAVINGS: If you prefer, you cai month regularly in the M I A International Trust. Please PERSONAL PENSION: You tan also link the American I u to a personal pension plan. Please tick box for details.

save as l i t t le as i2() a l k ck box for details. ~ AVl m id 4vm ]] RNLI 9.86.