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Contents RNLINews.

Volume L Number 497 Lifeboat Services.

Fraserhurgh: When a job needs doing, by Georgette Purches.

42 48 Chairman: THE DUKE OF ATHOI.I.

Director and Secretary: REAR ADMIRAL W J GRAHAM CB MNI Update on the fast carriage lifeboat Editor: EDWARD WAKE-WALKER Headquarters: Royal National Lifeboat Institution.

West Quay Road. Poole. Dorset BH15 1HZ (Telephone Poole (0202) 671133).

Telex: 41328.

London Offices: Royal National Lifeboat Institution.

202 Lambeth Road, London SE1 7JW (Telephone 01-928 4236).

Advertisement Manager: COLIN PEGLEY Jackson-Rudd & Associates, Oldeboume House, 46-47 Chancery Lane, London WC2A 1JB (Telephone 01-405 3611/2 and 405 2860).

Printers: The Friary Press, Bridport Road.

Dorchester, Dorset.

Waiting for rescue, byj. D.

Sleighiholme Coxswain Captain John Hogg Just as this issue was going to press, the sad news was given that Coxswain Captain John Hogg of Tynemouth had died. A few days earlier he had learned that he had been awarded the RNLI's silver medal for bravery following a rescue which is described on page 42.




People and Places Shoreline Past and Present The Fund Raisers.

Lifeboat Services, March, April and May 1986 50 51 54 57 58 59 61 62 63 68 Lifeboats of the RNLI Inside Back Cover.