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Littlehampton April 26 1986:

Littlehampton, April 26, 1986: Lavinia Duchess of Norfolk, pictured soon after she had named Littlehampton's new Atlantic 21 rigid inflatable lifeboat, Blue Peter I. The lifeboat, one of five recently funded by the BBC's highly successful Blue Peter lifesaver appeal for buttons and postcards, replaces an earlier Atlantic 21 which was also funded by Blue Peter in 1972.

Three children from Littlehampton school were asked to represent Blue Peter viewers by presenting the lifeboat to the RNLI and they are photographed here aboard the lifeboat, (1 to r) Andrea Westley, Samantha Bland, and Peter Lavallee. With them is young Martin Shanks who presented a bouquet to the Duchess, and whose crew member father Chris Shanks is standing (far 1) in the boat. The other two crew members are Helmsman David Martin and (r) Michael Bentley. Since Littlehampton lifeboat station was re-opened in 1967, there have been 705 launches with 209 lives saved..

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