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Mla Unit Trust Management

NEW MLA EUROPEAN TRUST Top UK managers now go into Europe Stock markets throughout Europe have been booming - and look set to continue.

The winds of change have blown away old attitudes and restrictions. A renaissance in the profit motive, wider investment opportunities, greater competition - all these are now major stimuli to European markets. This means the opportunities for UK investors seeking soundly-based growth are numerous and widely spread.

New trust for Europe Now MLA Unit Trust Managers have gathered these growth opportunities together in one brand-new Fund - MLA European Trust.

The aim of the Managers is to build up a portfolio of investments in a number of western European markets. Preference will be given to those markets which are large enough to enable international participation and offer significant growth potential because of the strength of the underlying economies. The low estimated gross yield will enable the Managers to concentrate on capital growth rather than immediate income.

The Managers retain the flexibility to maintain or increase a representation in UK companies as part of their objectives. This feature of the Fund should provide a useful investment option in the event of significant weakness in continental markets or currencies. The Managers also have the freedom to hedge any currency risk in the Fund by means of back to back loans.

Europe's success In addition to the success stories of the French and German markets, several others show dynamic growth: Austria (the world's leading stock market for growth in 1985), Switzerland (the soundest economy in Europe), Scandinavia (the most affluent market in the world). There is great international interest in Europe as a whole, with major interest being shown by American and Japanese pension funds and other institutions, fuelling further expansion and opportunity.

Source: Datastream - currency adjusted Top investment management MLA European Trust is launched by one of Britain's top unit trust management teams, who are already masters of that other major European market - the UK. MLA General Trust, which invests primarily in British shares, has grown an average of 30%* a year for 9 years. It is the top performing UK trust of all over a 7 year period. (Source: Money Management, January 1986.) 'on an offer-to-offer basis, including reinvested income.

How to invest You may buy units at the offer price ruling on receipt of your remittance. The minimum investment is £500.

Simply fill in the Application Form below and send it to the Managers with your cheque for the full amount you wish to invest.

A contract note will be issued and your unit certificate will be despatched within six weeks.

You should remember that the price of units and the income from them can go down as well as up.

However, the Managers are confident that continuing growth prospects through Europe are such that you have an excellent opportunity to see your money grow in the new MLA European Trust.

Price and yidd as at 5.2.86 Offer price: 25.3p Estimated gross current yield: 0.98% Charges There is an initial charge of 5% included in the offer price, and an annual management charge of 1% (plus VAT) of the capital value of the Trust l;imd. This is deducted half-yearly from the value of the Trust Fund to meet the expenses, of the Managers.

Intermediaries Commission is paid 10 recognised intermediaries, rates available on request.

Distribution Net Income will be distributed twice a year on 30th April and 3 1 st October. The first distribution period will run to the 31st August, 1986 and the first distribution will be Dealing Unils are valued and dealt in daily. Any the date of receipt of instructions Prices and yield are usually published in the Financial Selling units To sell your units, simply sign the unit certificate and return it W the Managers, who will send you a cheque within seven less than the bid price calculated in accordance with the formula contained in the Trust Deed.

Tax The Trust pays no capital gains tax on its investments. Unit holders pay no capital gams tax unless their yearly total of capital gains exceeds £5,900 The information contained in this advertisement is based on our present (February 1986) understanding of Inland Revenue practice and current tax legislation The Trust Deed The Managers and Trustee are permitted under the terms of the Trust Deed to execute, at a future date, a Supplemental Deed to allow the writing or purchase of Traded Call Options or the purchase of Traded Put Options on behalf of the Trust.

In the event of future changes to current legislation by the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry which make provision for the or the Trustee on behalf of the Trust of or in contracts which are traded on a Recognised Stock Exchange or Recognised Option Fxchange Managers may make suitable amendments to the Trust Deed without the consent of the unitholders Managers: MLA Unit Trust Management (being the trading name of MLA Investment Management Limited), 99-100 Sandling Road, Maidstone, Kent ME14 1XX. Tel: 0622 674751.

Registered m England No 1242681 Registered Office: 22, Old Queen Street, London SW1 9HN.

About MLA MLA Unit Trust Management is part of the Municipal Insurance Group. The Group's specialist investment team look after the management of over £600 million of assets.

Every investment in the MLA European Trust made through this advertisement provides a financial contribution to the work of the RNLI, which is supported by MLA.

SUPPORTING THE LIFEBOATS r Application Form MLA EUROPEAN TRUST To: MLA Unit Trust Management, FREEPOST Maidstone, Kent ME14 1BR. Tel: 0622 674751.

I/We wish to invest £ in MLA European Trust at the offer price ruling on date of receipt of these instructions. I/We enclose a cheque made payable to MLA Unit Trust Management. (Minimum £500) I/We declare that I am/we are over 18.

Please tick box if you require income to be reinvested in further units. C Name (Mr/Mrs/Miss/Title) Address - Postcode .

Signature - -Tel. No.:- Uoint applicants should both sign and attach addresses separately). This investment i not available in the Republic of Ireland MLA Unit Trust Management is a member of the Unit Trust Association IMPORTANT - MONTHLY SAVINGS: If you prefer, you can save as little as £20 i month regularly in the new MLA European Trust. Please tick box for details. L..