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Municipal Life Assurance

REVOLUTIONARY INVESTMENT CONCEPT Why invest in just ONE investment company, when you could invest in the pick of the best? *** Imagine an investment that produces ll.V'n growth.

Or 2S. i"n. In just 6 months! Fvcn at hall these figures.

these would he exceptional results Yet they are actual re turns Not from obscure shares in outof-thc-way markets, hut from two leading I nil Trusts (Source: Planned Savings. Inly 1985.) ith oxer ~0( I nit Trusts to choose from what chance have you got of picking the best? THIS IS VOl'R CHANCE: the opportunity to invest in the new VILA Five Star l-'und. The first fund to invest in I nit Trusts, Investment Trusts and Mutual Funds - world-wide Not just an investment in shares - nor in specialist markets But in investment expertise It's so simple - when you know how! MI.A's experienced team of investment managers know world markets well. They can identify the most promising areas as they develop - and move into them quickly. For the Five Star Hind they will pick the experts world-wide - invest in the specialists who manage the l.'nit Trusts.

Investment Trusts and Mutual Hinds poised tor growth. The new VILA Five Star Hind is going for the real high-flyers.

MI.A's fund managers are already responsible tor the huge success of VILA dcneral Trust - the lop performer of ALL IK Trusts over ~ years. It has grown on average j-"" a year for 9- years.

Ml.A International Trust has been firmly in the "Top 20" in its sector over two years.

Of course unit values can fall as well as rise, and past performance cannot ncccssarilv be taken as a guarantee for the future But. hy any standard, the performance of The new MLA Five Star Fund links your investment to a portfolio of the top Unit Trust companies, Investment Trusts and Mutual Funds world-wide Brian Stuart: (iroup Investment Manager, comments c can stand back and select markets which have potential for doing well It may be Hong Kong.

Japan or Australia" the Ml.A management team is well above average The MLA Five Star Hind portfolio will be spread wide. Additionally, investors can opt from time to time to move investments into a cash fund, the Ml.A Munifund investing in short-term fixed securities.

An important note of caution liven one of the investment vehicles selected for the Ml.A l-'ive Star Hind is potentially volatile Whilst spreading the portfolio will tend to even out the peaks and troughs, these- are still high risk investments and we recommend that you only commit a part of your in vestments or sav ings to the Ml.A Five- Star Strategic Investment About MLA Municipal Life Assurance is part of the Municipal Insurance (iroup. The (iroup's specialist investment team look after the management of over &o()() million of assets.

The .VILA Five Star Strategic Investment his already attracted over £10 million in investment hy launch day.

Every investment in the .VILA Five Star Strategic Investment provides a financial contribution to the work of the RNLI. which is supported by MLA SUPPORTING THE LIFEBOATS Invest in the MI.A Five Star Fund - through the MLA Five Star Strategic Investment.

The Ml.A Five Star Strategic Investment is your way in You can invest MONTHLY - or with a single LIMP SI M A Tax-Free Cash Sum in only 10 years... or less Regular savings into the Ml.A l-'ive Star Strategic Investment are designed to build up a cash sum for you in 10 years or less You can withdraw part of your cash fund each year to provide I A FRFF INCOME.

As a lump sum investor you can choose to go for growth or income You can w ithdraw all or part of your investment at any time.

High Investment Allocations Investors with .t-IO.OOO or more receive unit allocations as high as 102' j" i.

lp to now you couldn't hope to make the most of the reallv big international opportunities. Now you can! The important thing is to act now del in "on the ground floor".

A BONUS FOR YOU hen you reply now v ou reserve the right, when you become an investor, to one year's l-'rcc Subscription to "Planned Sav ings" - the investment maga/ine read hy professional advisors.

Reply now - you make no commitment, and no Ml.A salesman w tit call or phone.

Municipal Lite Assurance. 9'.)-100 Sand ling Vlaidstone. Kent Ml-! I'el no (H-,21 ( "!') ENQUIRY FORM I i I I KS, I Uni intCrCStCCl milic MI. H c-Star Strategic -Investment. and how it can I link im in c-stmc-nl to vv orkl idc opporumtic-s tor grow th I Please send me- full details and an investment application I understand replv ing now entitles me- to a tree- subscription to "Planned Sav ings' magu/mcw hen I become'an investor N.inic I ddiv-, Posit odc- Tel No .

Njiiic and address o lv our financial adv isor lil'anv)- I Replv to: Municipal Life Assurance. FRF.F.POST. Maidstone. Kent MF.l i 1BK (No stamp rt-ciuired t (No stamp required) Keg Otlai- 22 Ok! ( HiccM strt-t-t Westminster s | Kcj; o SH « 1M i KM.1 l Hh.