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Liberian Thanks:

Liberian thanks: a January night in 1984 when St Peter Port, Guernsey, lifeboat managed to save nine men from a ship's lifeboat after their Liberian freighter Radient Med had sunk in a force 9 gale, led to a presentation in London in November. A special commendation from the Liberian government and certificates were handed to the men who crewed St Peter Port lifeboat on that night. Photographed at the ceremony (standing I to r) are Coxswain Peter Bougourd, Mechanic Robert Vowles, Crew Member Michael Guille, Assistant Mechanic A/an Martel, Second Coxswain Peter Bisson, Crew Member Richard Hamon and Liberian USA representative, Alan Davies. Seated (I to r) are: Liberian Commissioner, Mr Philip Bowen, Rear Admiral W. J. Graham, RNLl director. Captain John Petit, St Peter Port honorary secretary, Liberian Ambassador, the Hon. Willie Givens and deputy commissioner, Mr George Cooper. Michael Scales, the then coxswain, who received the RNLl bronze medal for the service, was unable to attend the ceremony. photograph by courtesy of Brian Green.

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