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Municipal Life Assurance Ltd

TOWARDS A NEW LIFEBOAT: A JOINT VENTURE BETWEEN RNLI AND ML A How to make more money • from your savings - * t t • • £50 and save lives too! £100,000 £75,000 £50,000 ~ £20,000 The target for the MLAI RNLI joint lifeboat appeal ' is £100,000 a year for 4 years-the price of a newlifeboat.

For every M LA investment or savings plan taken out by an RNLI supporter, MLA adds a substantial sum to the total.

Nearly £20,000 has been raised to dale.

substantial improvement in your standard of living - that's what MLA could provide for you over the next 10 years.

MLA's Financial Counselling Service is effective. For example, we can turn regular savings into a growing, dynamic source of high-level TAXFREE income for the future.

We can show you how to double the return on savings you could get from a building society. Or help you minimise your tax liabilities now, while increasing your standard of living in retirement.

Getting your finances right now can have a dramatic impact! In our experience, a 4% or 5% improvement each year in your standard of living can be achieved with our help.

FREE ADVICE It costs nothing to find out how! You're under no obligation. And the advice is FREE.

Besides, as a supporter of the RNLI, you can help the work of the lifeboats at the same time! Here's how. For every investment in MLA, the RNLI receive a financial benefit as a contribution to a special lifeboat appeal fund, launched jointly by MLA and the RNLI.

£20,000 This joint venture has already generated nearly £20,000 in donations and contributions. We are delighted to have been able to help save lives in this direct and tangible way: and to offer RNLI supporters the opportunity to obtain good financial advice at the same time.

Whether you are looking for more income, wish to safeguard your capital, or simply wish to review your financial position, you can benefit. Just complete and post the coupon.

Our Financial Counsellors will prepare a detailed, confidential Financial Counselling Report for you.

It itemises your present circumstances, your needs, your current tax position, and the best options for increasing your standard of living.

Our Counsellors are salaried. No commission is paid to them on any investment or savings scheme we provide-and that's your guarantee that our advice is impartial, and without "salesmanship".

You can find out more now. lust complete and post the coupon - vou don'i even need to pay for the stamp! Municipal Life Assurance Ltd., 99-100 Sandling Road, Maidstone MEM 1XX.

Please tell me more about the free MLA Financial Counselling Service, and how it can increase my standard of living. I understand I can receive a confidential personal Report, and doing so places me under no obligation to make any purchase or investment.

FOR IMMEDIATE ACTION AND A FREE INFORMATION PACK Telephone: 0622 671979 Name Date of Birth Address Tel: No. PostCode Retired fe=d Employed |_ Selfemployed '—' Municipal Life Assurance Ltd., Freepost, Maidstone, ME141BR. (No stamp required).