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Freemen of the City:

Freemen of the City: ten lifeboatmen and committee members of the Selsey lifeboat station were admitted to the Freedom of the City of London by the Chamberlain, Mr Bernard P. Harty, at the Guildhall, London, on Friday July 12. Colonel and Alderman Sir Ronald Gardner-Thorpe was in attendance. Last year he was present at the re-dedication of Selsey's new lifeboat, City of London. The £430,000 lifeboat was funded by proceeds from an appeal to businesses and individuals in the City of London in 1982. This was the first time that ten people have been admitted to the Freedom of the City of London at one time. Pictured above are: (I to r) Alderman Sir Ronald Gardner-Thorpe, Coxswain Michael Grant, Brian Murr, chairman, Clive Cockayne, honorary secretary, Second Coxswain George Woodland, Motor Mechanic Terry Wood, Crew Members Glyn Amis and Denny Warwick, Head Winchman and ex-Coxswain Len Lawrence, committee member, Freddie Sadler and station administration officer, Ron Carbines..

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