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MLA Unit Trust Management Ltd

Invest in one of this country's Top Performing Unit Trusts and help to pay for a new R.N.L.I. Lifeboat.

PROFESSIONAL FUND MANAGERS WITH A PROVEN TRACK RECORD Investing in M.L.A. General Trust means you will be able to enjoy the support of one of this country's top investment fund management teams and M.L.A. will contribute to the R.N.L.I, funds every time any memberor supporter ofthe R.N.L.I.

decides to invest.

£10,000 HAS GROWN TO £131,530 £10,000 invested with these Managers in June 1976, when they launched this highly successful M.L.A. General Trust, had grown in value to a staggering £131,530 by 8th January 1985, including re-invested income.This represents an increase of 1215% on thatoriginal investment.

THE AIM OF THE FUND MANAGERS This success is due to the Fund THE FUND HAS ACHIEVED AN AVERAGE ANNUAL GROWTH RATE IN THE VALUE OF UNITS OF 33.3%* OVER THE LAST 8 YEARS Managers'freedom within the terms of the Trust Deed to invest wherever they consider they will obtain the maximum growth for investors in terms of capital and income growth. This freedom is highlighted by the team's achievement in putting M.L.A. in the top position over a period of 'Including re-invested income. tSource Money Management. February 1985 3, 5 and 7 yearst among all U.K.

General Trusts and has earned it the confidence of professionals, both investors and advisers.

HELP IMPROVE YOUR EXISTING INVESTMENT STRATEGY You too could benefit from their success by investing as little as £500 or as much as you like. And to complement your existing portfolio, a regular income withdrawal plan is now also available.

Ring for details.

Investment in unit trusts should be regarded as long term and you are reminded that the price of units and the income from them can go down as well as up.

Price and Yield ofM.LA. General Trust as at 28.2.85 Offer Price: 2 72.9p** Yield: 2.05% "9 for 1 Scrip issue due on April 6th 1985 MANAGERS M L A Unit Trust Management Ltd part of the Municipal Mutual Insurance Group whose assets exceed £500 million. 22 Old Queen Street. London SW1H 9JC.

TRUSTEE: Midland Bank Trust Company Ltd.. ! 19 Old Broad Street, London EC2N 1AQ GENERAL INFORMATION: An initial charge of 5% is included in the offer price and a half-yearly charge of % of one percentum (plus VAT) of the capital value of the fund is deducted from gross income to meet the expenses of the Managers. Net income is distributed on 31st January and 31st July together with a tax credit certificate and a half-yearly report. The trust is authorised by the Department of Trade and Industry and is constituted by a Trust Deed dated 11th May 1976 The fund is valued daily and the price is quoted in the FT and Daily Telegraph. Units will be dealt in daily Any orders received will be dealt with at the price ruling on the first work-ing day following the date of receipt of instructions.

The initial purchase is £500; thereafter units may be bought in multiples of £100. Units are bought back at not less than the bid price calculated in accordance with the formula approved by the Department of Trade and Industry A cheque in settlement will normally be sent within seven working days of receipt by the Managers of the renounced unit certificate.

Contract Notes will be issued and unit certificates will be provided within six weete of payment. Unit trusts are not subject to capital gains tax.

Moreoever unttholders will also be exempt from paying this tax unless their total realised gains many tax year exceed £5.600.

The information in this advertisement is based on our present understanding of Inland Revenue practiceand current tax legislation, February 1985.

Application Form for readers of The Lifeboat.

To: M.L.A. Unit Trust Management Ltd., Freepost, Westminster, SW1H 9BR. Telephone: 01 -222 031 I/We would like to buy M.LA. General Units to the value of £ (min. £500) at the price ruling on the date of receipt of these instructions.

A cheque payable to M.L.A. Unit Trust Management Ltd. is enclosed.

I/We declare that I air /we are over 18.

Surname (Mr/Mrs/Miss/Title)(Bi_ocK LETTERS, PLEASE) First name(s) in full : Add ress Post Code.

SUPPORTING THE LIFEBOATS Signature(s) (Joint applicants should all sign and attach addresses separately) Registered in England No 1242681 Not available in the Republic of Ireland. LB 4 85 I.