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Shoreline and Storm Force

UNDER 16? JOIN THE RNLI HAS JUST launched its new junior membership club, Storm Force. Aimed at young people under 16 years of age, Storm Force is designed to give youngsters a fascinating insight into the work of the RNLI. Individual membership costs £3 and group membership is open to a minimum of 10 members, at £1 each.

Each member will be sent a badge, special membership certificate, poster, stickers and a regular newspaper—Storm Force News—packed with exciting accounts of rescues, stories about lifeboat people, pictures and things to do. John Ryan, the creator of Captain Pugwash, has donated some of his cartoon strips and the newspaper will feature letters from Storm Force members themselves.

This journal should contain a leaflet with an application form, so if you know of a youngster who is keen to learn about lifeboats and the daring deeds of life boatmen, eager to enter competitions which might mean a trip in a lifeboat, is collector of dynamic colour posters, badges and stickers and likes buying gifts and souvenirs, then get him or her to join Storm Force today.

If an application form is not enclosed, or it has already been used, fill in the coupon below and send it to STORM FORCE HQ, RNLI, WEST QUAY ROAD, POOLE, DORSET, BH15 1HZ.

If your class, youth club or other group all want to join, see the second coupon.

Application for individual member I would like to join Storm Force.

I enclose a cheque/postal order for £3.

FIRST NAMES (Block Capitals) SURNAME ADDRESS POSTCODE Group Membership Groups of ten people or more are welcome to become group members of Storm Force. The group receives 2 copies of Storm Force News, one certificate, a badge and stickers for each member. Please send £1 for each member in the group.

(Minimum £10) NAME OF GROUP GROUP ADDRESS ..................................................

POSTCODE Reproduced by kind permission of Radio Times and The Bodley HeadSection Shoreline Survey A questionnaire has been sent out to two thousand Shoreline members with the aim of learning more about the membership to help with plans for future recruitment. The computer selected the two thousand at random, and there is, of course, no way that anyone can connect a reply to a person's name. The completed forms are totally anonymous.

Many of the questionnaires have been returned and are now being analysed. The overall results will be reported in the next issue of THE LIFEBOAT.

News from the clubs Are you a Shoreline member living in the West Midlands? If so, West Midlands Shoreline Club is happy to have you as a member. Their varied activities in 1984 were much enjoyed by members and plans for 1985 include a slide show about the recovery of the Mary Rose, an outing to The Mumbles lifeboat station and a visit to the National Lifeboat Museum and SS Great Britain in Bristol. Interested? Contact the RNLI at 16 Harborne Road, Birmingham B15 3AA, telephone: 021-454 3009.

Shoreline members in South Yorkshire and North Derbyshire are welcome to join Sheffield Shoreline Club. Since last March they have held a pea and pie supper and have had guest speakers on a variety of topics. Members have helped Sheffield branch with fund raising and interesting events are planned for 1985. Contact Ann Kisby, the secretary, at 16 Arnside Road, Sheffield S8 OUX. Telephone: Sheffield 583679.

Budding support Mrs Eileen Gore's beautiful garden at Rowsham was where an enthusiastic new Shoreline member, Sally Masters, was able to organise a coffee morning with the help of Aylesbury and Winslow branches. The garden made a perfect setting and £338 was raised during the morning.To: The Director, RNLI, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset BH15 1HZ.

I enclose subscription to join Shoreline as an: Annual Member £5.00 (minimum) D Annual Family Membership £7.50 (minimum) D Annual Member and Governor £15.00 (minimum) D Life Member and Governor £150.00 (minimum) D Send me details of how I can help with a Legacy d Name_ Address- Over 110,000 people would have been lost without the lifeboat service..