Hong Kong Branch
To mark the First Year of operations of the new Penlee Arun'Class Lifeboat, the R.N.LB.
Mabel Alice and the Hong Kong Branch of the R.N.L.I,the Branch has produced a Limited-Edition Print as shown.
The Print also celebrates the 160th anniversary of the R.N.L.I.
This magnificent full colour commemorative side profile Illustration Painting. 19"x 15" Name; Address; including printed mount, is the work of Hong Kong Artist and Branch Member Roger Draper, who's fineTransDort- Illustration Artwork hangs in Boardrooms.
Club-houses and Homes throughout the world.
All Five Hundred Prints have been signed by Ken Thomas, Coxswain of the R.N.L.B.'Mabel Alice! To obtain your Copy, complete the Order Form below.
Please send me. Print(s) at £14-75 per print (including postage). I enclose Cheque No. for£ made out to the Hong Kong Branch. R.N.L.I. (Allow 28 days for delivery) Post this Form with Cheque to: The Hon. Sec., Penlee and Penzance Branch, R.N.L.I. (HK Pic.) o J.H. Bennett, 72-73, Market Jew Street, Penzance, Cornwall,TR18 2LF.