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A Catamaran

Disabled catamaran THE HONORARY SECRETARY OF Mudeford lifeboat station received a pager call from the Coastguard at 1845 on Wednesday July 11, 1984, after reports that a catamaran had overturned and was in difficulties off Chewton Bunny.

There was a moderate south-westerly breeze, force 4, and the weather was fine when, at 1851, two and a half hours before high water, Mudeford's 17ft 6in C class inflatable launched. She was manned by Helmsman Paul Knight and Crew Members Paul Derham and John Rathmell.

It took the lifeboat five minutes to reach the catamaran which had been righted but blown well in towards the shore. Crew Member John Rathmell entered the water to float a towline through the surf and secure it to the catamaran. Her two occupants stayed aboard to steer while the lifeboat, with John Rathmell back on board, towed them out into deeper water. They thendecided to try to sail back to Mudeford under escort but the catamaran's steering was defective and she had to be taken in tow again. They reached Mudeford at 1948 where it was found that the catamaran's two hulls were out of parallel and one rudder had become disconnected from the tiller arm.

A letter from Cdr Bruce Cairns, chief of operations, was sent to Mudeford's honorary secretary after this rescue, passing on warm thanks to Crew Member John Rathmell for his efforts..