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IN THE LAST JOURNAL was published a photograph of HRH The Duke of Kent, President of the Institution, meeting the lifeboatmen who man RNLB Shoreline at Arbroath when His Royal Highness visited the station last May. On this page is another happy photograph, taken on the same occasion, Coxswain Douglas Matthewson gave the Duke a present with a good local flavour.

As a box of smokeys suggests, Arbroath is a fishing port, and early this year, on January 11, RNLB Shoreline was called out in very bad weather to go to the help of the 20-ton MFV Family's Pride which was taking water two miles south of Arbroath; the fishing vessel had a crew of three on board. A violent storm, force 11, was blowing from the south and the sea was very rough with a 12-foot swell.

Shoreline, the 37ft 6in Rother lifeboat which was funded by Shoreline members, was launched down her slipway at 1720, about two hours after high water.Under the command of Coxswain Matthewson, she reached Family's Pride a quarter of an hour later and, escorting her through the very rough seas, brought her safely into harbour.

When the two boats arrived, at 1810, the local fire service was standing by to help pump out the fishing boat. Because of the storms, the lifeboat was not rehoused until the next morning.

* * * People of all ages are proud to give their support to the lifeboat service by becoming Shoreline members; very often they do not leave it at that butwillingly give their help to the fundraising branches and guilds. Round-theworld yachtsman Sir Alec Rose was our very first member and he is also president of Havant, and other branches; as can be seen from the top photograph, he and Lady Rose recently held a most enjoyable cheese and wine party in their garden to help the lifeboats.

Sandra Tooke, a very keen young Shoreline member in Essex, is among the most successful collectors for Rayleigh and District branch; unable to help at this year's flag day because of family illness, she still managed to raise £85 for the branch with a sponsored swim.

If any other Shoreline members would like to help on flag days or join in other fund-raising events, our regional organisers will be delighted to introduce them to their local branches or guilds.

Please write to me and I will see that your offers of help are passed on to the nearest regional office. By the way, have you introduced a new member to Shoreline yet this year? I am sure you will if you can.—IAN WALLINGTON, assistant appeals secretary, RNLI, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset, BH15 1HZ.To: The Director, RNLI, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset BH15 1HZ.

I enclose subscription to join Shoreline as an: Annual Member £5.00 (minimum) D Annual Family Membership £7.50 (minimum) D Annual Member and Governor £15.00 (minimum) D Life Member and Governor £150.00 (minimum) D Send me details of how I can help with a Legacy. D Name_ Address- ,000 people would have been lost without the lifeboat service..