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Newstead Publishing (1983) Ltd

A SUPERB PAIR OF FINE ART PRINTS Signed by the Artist "FORM LINE OF BATTLE" The English and Firnrh llrris men and brt»in lurming their battle lint's in preparation tor the coming all ray.

"VICTORY IN SIGHT" Drspilr t!ir m i n i m i i n r of ihr Krii,'lish it t o i , tin- dismasted and rripplrd French llat? hip valiantly ro;ns hrt drli.ini i- IA unleashing a broadside into her Kn lish inunterparl.

This magnificent pair of fine art prints, each sized 18'/2" x 24" and signed by the artist Michael Whitehand, whose reputation as a marine painter is rapidly growing, are available, either individually at £12.95 each, or together at j£23.00, inclusive of VAT, postage and packing.

They therefore represent first class investment potential and value for money, and are ideal for hanging in the home, mess or office, or for that special gift for birthdays or Christmas..