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Here and There

On station THE FOLLOWING lifeboats have taken up station duties: Barra Island: 48ft 6in Solent class lifeboat ON 1020 (48-015), Hugh William Viscount Gough (previously stationed at Stornoway), June 16, 1984.

Invergordon: 33ft Brede class lifeboat ON 1102 (33-10), Nottinghamshire, July 16, 1984.

The Lizard-Cadgwith: 48ft 6in Oakley class lifeboat ON 989 (48-02), James and Catherine Macfarlane (previously stationed at Padstow), July 17, 1984.

Baltimore: 48ft 6in Oakley class lifeboat ON 1015 (48-12), Charles Henry (previously stationed at Selsey), July 17, 1984.

Ramsgate: The 18ft 6in McLachlan class lifeboat was replaced by a relief Atlantic 21 rigid inflatable lifeboat on August 4, 1984. On September 7, 1984, the new Atlantic 21 B558 Ramsgate Enterprise went on station, replacing the relief lifeboat.

Clogher Head: 37ft Oakley class lifeboat ON 985 (37-18), Valentine Wyndham- Quin (previously stationed at Clacton-on-Sea), August 23, 1984.

Clacton-on-Sea: The 37ft Oakley class lifeboat ON 985 (37-18), Valentine Wyndham-Quin, has been replaced by an Atlantic 21 rigid inflatable lifeboat. At present a relief Atlantic is on station..