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Annual Awards 1983

The Maud Smith Bequest Award for the outstanding act of lifesaving during 1983 has been made to Crew Member Arthur Hill of Largs, who was awarded the silver medal for the rescue on July 24 of a young girl trapped in a small airpocket under the cabin top of an upturned motor cruiser.

The Ralph Glister Award for the most meritorious service carried out in 1983 by the crew of a lifeboat under 10 metres in length has been made to Helmsman David Munday and Crew Members Anthony Delahunty and Nigel Osbourn of Selsey for the rescue on October 5 of three men from the motor cruiser Joan Maureen stranded against the seaward end of a timber groyne and breaking up in an onshore strong south-westerly breeze and heavy, confused seas. For this service Helmsman Munday was awarded the bronze medal and Crew Members Delahunty and Osbourn were presented with framed letters of thanks signed by the Duke of Atholl, chairman of the Institution.

The James Michael Bower Fund awards for 1983 have been made to Crew Member Arthur Hill, who received the silver medal, and to Coxswain Michael Berry of St Helier and Coxswain Michael Grant of Selsey, who each received a bar to his silver medal..