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A Sailboard

Carried off shore LIVERPOOL COASTGUARD informed the honorary secretary of Fleetwood lifeboat station at 1749 on Friday March 23, 1984, that a board sailor was in trouble a short distance from the shore opposite Rossall Hospital. Maroons were fired at 1752 and at 1800 the station's D class inflatable lifeboat was launched; Second Coxswain Stephen Musgrave was at the helm, with Barrie Farmer and David Owen as crew, and the lifeboat was driven at full speed towards the west-south-westerly inshore passage to Rossall Point known as The Neckings.

A near gale, force 7, was blowing from south south east and the sea at the launching position, well sheltered from the prevailing wind, was slight. It was 2V2 hours after high water.

On the falling tide, the depth of water in The Neckings was decreasing rapidly but Second Coxswain Musgrave was confident that this passage, close inshore, could still be negotiated. As the western end was approached the sea became rougher and speed had to be reduced. Off Rossall Point the seas were breaking and they were estimated to be some six to eight feet high.

Rounding the point, course was altered south towards the reported position of the casualty. With the weather deteriorating, the south-south-easterlywind had increased to gale force 8, with eight foot seas and a moderate to heavy swell, and the inflatable lifeboat was now experiencing the full force of wind and sea.

Throughout the passage south from Rossall Point the lifeboat was being buffeted by rough seas. The heavy spray thrown up together with the rise and fall of the swell and sea meant that visibility from the low vantage point of an inflatable boat was poor. Using his skill and experience and with judicious use of the engine, Second Coxswain Musgrave brought the lifeboat to the reported position of the casualty, arriving at about 1815.

Close radio contact was being maintained with the Coastguard mobile on the beach which was trying to keep the sailboard under observation. The lifeboat was just asking for further directions when she was lifted up on a high crest and her crew caught sight of the sailboard some 50 yards further out to sea and about three quarters of a mile off shore.

The man was sitting astride his board, which was being taken rapidly out to sea by the wind and tide. He had already jettisoned his mast and sail. As there would be serious risk of damaging the inflatable lifeboat if an attempt was made to take the man off the sailboard, Second Coxswain Musgrave told him to slip into the water, pushing clear of his board. This the man did and, as the lifeboat came alongside, he was quickly pulled on board.

The board sailor was wearing a dry suit and a buoyancy aid and, for additional safety, he was helped into a survivor's lifejacket. The board was then recovered, at the first attempt, and lashed to the top of the sponson.

Because the sailor was well clad and fit, Second Coxswain Musgrave decided that trying to beach the lifeboat at Rossall Hospital was an unnecessary risk; it would be better to go straight back to station.

The Coastguard mobile reported that, with the falling tide and rough water, The Neckings was no longernavigable, so Second Coxswain Musgrave headed north for Kings Scar Buoy. The inflatable lifeboat, half full of water and with an extra person on board, was sluggish, and the seas were too rough for her to be driven at full power so that she could drain off the water through her self bailer. Slow progress was made, however, with the helmsman once again having to use all his skill to control his heavy craft in the rough seas.

Once round Kings Scar Buoy and turned on to an east-north-easterly course, some respite was afforded by the lee of the North Wharf sandbanks.

Entering the main channel, and turning south south east for home, speed could be increased and the majority of the water was drained from the boat.

At 1920 the inflatable lifeboat arrived back at station, where the board sailor and his board were landed. The lifeboat was rehoused and once again ready for service at 1930.

For this service the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum were accorded to Second Coxswain Stephen J. Musgrave, helmsman of the D class inflatable lifeboat. Vellum service certificates were presented to Crew Members Barrie E. Farmer and David B.
