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A Boat

Swamped LOCHGILPHEAD POLICE informed Clyde Coastguard on the afternoon of Sunday September 11, 1983, that a report had been received of a boat in distress in Loch Fyne, between Ardrishaig and Kilfinnan. Further investigations were made and it was found that a small two masted boat appeared to be in trouble.

It was later learnt that two men had set out in a 16ft yawl from Inverneil Bay, Ardrishaig, for Otter Ferry but wind and sea had increased to such an extent that their boat had broached and filled.

A fresh to strong breeze, force 5 to 6, was blowing from the north east and the sea was rough. It was a dull afternoon but visibility was about four miles.

The deputy launching authority of Tignabruaich was informed of the situation by the Coastguard at 1815. The crew were assembled and, to save time because of the position of the casualty, the station's D class inflatable lifeboat was towed overland to Portavadie, where she was launched at 1835. She was manned by Helmsman John Weir and Crew Members Roderick Roberts and Ronald Irvine.

A few minutes before, Tarbert Coastguard mobile had reported that the yawl had disappeared from sight, presumably sunk, but that her crew were in a yellowinflatable dinghy; a PAN urgency broadcast was made and a helicopter was scrambled from RAF Leuchars.

Directed by the Coastguard mobile, the D class lifeboat reached the inflatable dinghy, now also swamped, at 1913. The two men were taken on board and landed, very cold but otherwise uninjured, at Portavadie, where an ambulance was waiting. The helicopter was recalled and Tighnabruaich lifeboat returned to station. She arrived at 1945 and was rehoused and once again ready for service at 2000..