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Scarborough Lifeboat the 37Ft Oakley Amelia

Scarborough lifeboat, the 37ft Oakley Amelia, under the command of Coxswain Ian Firman, setting off soon after 1100 on January 26, 1984, to help the Fleetwood trawler Navena, which was making water and listing about nine miles north east of Scarborough. A gale, force 8, gusting to strong gale, force 9, was blowing from the south east and the sea was rough, with waves 20 feet high at Navena. The trawler's 11 crew had been lifted from the vessel, from lifcrafts and from the water by two helicopters by the time the lifeboat arrived, at 1215, but, at the request of the Coastguard, the lifeboat recovered one of Navena's liferafts and brought it back to Scarborough. Amelia had launched minutes before this picture was taken from the shore.

photograph by courtesy of S. Jenkinson.

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